03 March 2009

Some people are amazingly talented, other people are me

Paintings can be educational, historic, moving, beautiful and many other things. Such things are called "art". I admire paintings, love them occasionally. Scale or size does matter to me in this case as "big" paintings do something extra for me. I suppose it highlights my ingorance of the form. Anyway, I never wanted to be a painter much.

Creating street art however appeals to me. The problem is, it's way too late in life to learn this. I am happy to enjoy it. The following video shows the creation of an amazing work and I guess I love that people who observe it are almost forced to consider it or react to it. I suppose I love street art.

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool. Really.

    Sometimes I like your blog post titles even more than your posts. I always chuckle.
